Does attentional bias modification constitute a suitable treatment for depression?

Negative attentional biases have been linked to depression. The “find the smiling face task” has been shown to reduce these dysfunctional attentional biases. To further validate the task, Thole Hoppen and two fellow students investigated whether the “find the smiling face task” changes attentional biases when people are in sad mood.

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Missing the goal: Why goal frustration might lead soccer players to aggression

Soccer players often display aggressive behavior when they are frustrated during matches. This aggressive behavior could possibly be explained by a loss of competency that goes along with goal-related frustration. However, pro-social behavior could also possibly be a way to restore that competence.

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Measurement of stigmatization towards adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Adults with ADHD are at high risk to be confronted with negative attitudes and beliefs which can be described as stigmatization. In our research group at the Department of Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology, we developed a disease specific assessment tool, measuring various facets of stigmatization towards adults with ADHD.

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An Honour to Have Met You

I have completed the end of my third year in the English-language Bachelor of Psychology programme. Being in the Honours College has enriched my understanding of research in psychology in a tremendous way. Here, I can look back at a wonderful experience and look forward to more fruitful research experiences.

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