Research worth spreading! A postscript on the Heymans Symposium

Having worked in Groningen for nearly five years, as far as I know this is the first year the Heymans Institute went all out and invited everyone to leave not only their offices but also the Department buildings, and travel to Het Kasteel, a nearby meeting venue, for an afternoon of psychology pleasures. There were promises of engaging talks, enthusiastic poster presentations, and excellent prize-winning articles. In full support of the three Ph.D. students who organized the event, I attended the afternoon and left excited.

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Do you remember? Memory problems in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Adults with ADHD have long been known to have problems with so-called executive functions, such as planning, organizing and structuring. Recent studies also suggested memory impairments. In thorough analysis, we showed that adults with ADHD do not have an increased forgetfulness, however that memory is adversely affected by executive dysfunctions.

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It has been smooth talking to you

Why do smoothly flowing conversations feel so good, whereas brief silences are often so awkward? On February 20, Namkje Koudenburg will defend her thesis “Conversational Flow”, in which she explains how conversational aspects such as brief silences, or small delays in computer-mediated communication influence our relationships, independently of what is being said.

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