Mindwise is the science communication and outreach platform of the Department of Psychology of the University of Groningen, located in the north of The Netherlands. Staff and students write in a personal capacity about psychological research and education in Groningen, and express their opinions on current affairs based on their expertise. You can contact us via this email address: mindwise@rug.nl.

Our aims are:

  • To inform the general public, media, colleagues, and (future) students about psychology research conducted at the university of Groningen and our educational program
  • To provide a platform for our researchers’ scientific work and views
  • To inform the public about events at the psychology department of the University of Groningen


Editorial Board

Brian Ostafin Yasin Koc Nicol Arellano Véliz
Clinical Psychology Social Psychology Developmental Psychology


Yvonne Groen Stephan Schleim Eric Rietzschel
Clinical Neuropsychology Theory & History of Psychology
(on leave)
 Organisational Psychology



Wouter Kruijne Jeremy Burman Tassos Sarampalis
Experimental psychology Editor in Chief Founder & Editor Emeritus



You can contact the Editorial Board via: mindwise@rug.nl


  • Ananda de Jong October 4, 2021  

    Can students send in papers to post (after altering it into a blogpost) on Mindwise?

  • Jeremy Trevelyan Burman November 19, 2021  

    Yes. The best thing to do, though, is to get in touch with the editor for your section. They’ll be able to help.

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