Rethinking the Self

Self-expansiveness suggests that the lines between “me” and “other” are perceived as fluid for some people. A vague concept? Maybe, but with very real consequences. Lasse Lorenz describes what self-expansiveness can do for people, their compassion for others and the world around them.

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Becoming your own fortune teller: what hands can tell you

Who says you need fortune tellers to tell you how we will feel in the future, or how you will behave? Maybe you don’t need them: there is literature to suggest you can basically become your own fortune teller, by simply taking a closer look at your hands. Your future is not written in the stars, but in your hands.

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How to Crowdfund LSD

Crowdfunding has reached the world of science, for better or worse. Controversial research fields, such as the ones utilizing potent psychedelics, do not attract many traditional funding sources. These financial obstructions hinder the accumulation of scientific evidence necessary for an informed evaluation of the research fields’ scientific merit. Crowdfunding could give researchers the chance to establish their fields’ scientific legitimacy.

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