Language acquisition and well-being of young refugee students in primary education

From February 2019 onwards, Hanneke Leeuwestein will start with her PhD project (funded by the National Initiative for Education Research/Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek/NRO). The goal of this project is to study if a new lesson package for learning Dutch as a second language, aimed at young refugee students, is effective. We will also investigate how children’s […]

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Duo interview: Our recent Veni grantees

Who has not heard of Veni-Vidi-Vici? In grant land, these are three types of subsidies awarded to outstanding junior, intermediate, and senior researchers, respectively. This year, the Netherlands Science Foundation NWO included Dr. Maarten Eisma (Clinical Psychology) and Dr. Bertus Jeronimus (Developmental Psychology) among its Veni grantees. In light of this exciting development in their research careers, Mindwise decided to ask Drs. Eisma and Jeronimus about their grant writing experiences.

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The green heart of our faculty

You could not have missed the building activities at the Heymans building. And you may have been forced to walk a detour through the garden to reach the new restaurant or other buildings of the faculty. But did you know that this garden is actually an ancient botanical garden that hides centuries of history? Your detour through the garden might not be so boring after all!

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Bibo ergo sum: I drink therefore I am

Second-year Psychology students participating in the University Honours College follow a workshop on Blogging Science, in which they learn to communicate science to the general public, by means of informing, giving an opinion, and relating issues in science to issues in society. This year a selection of these written blog posts is published on Mindwise. Today’s post […]

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