Duo-interview: Research on psychosis – Bridging the gap from theory to practice

At the Department of Psychology of the University of Groningen, two enthusiastic scholars (Marieke Pijnenborg and Lisette van der Meer) focus their research on cognition of patients with psychosis. Both are not only academically very active, but also successful in combining their appointment as a scientist at the University of Groningen with an appointment in the clinical field. Reason enough for Mindwise to invite these two scholars for an interview to learn from their experiences and ideas.

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Reflections of an open science convert 3: More challenges to maintaining open research practices

Open Science practices should help solving the replication crisis, but they can be difficult to maintain. Perhaps the biggest problem is that individual researchers may think that they own the methods they designed or the data they generated. This may change if universities reward teams (including applied statisticians) rather than individuals.

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Interviewing 100 Bolivian Women:

An Experience of Cross-Cultural Research

We, two Research Master students, went to Bolivia to support the project of Drs. Nina Hansen and Judith Daniels. We interviewed 100 women about the effect of trauma on female empowerment. We carried home a rich data set and stories that cannot be easily expressed in figures.

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Duo interview: On being a journal editor

What do professors do all day? Did you know that they are also expected to complete various administrative tasks? Mindwise decided to lift the veil on one task regularly being taking on by professors: being an editor for a scientific journal. Specifically, we asked Dr. Rafaele Huntjens about being an Associate Editor for the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry and Dr. Kai Epstude about being Editor-in-Chief for Social Psychology.

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Duo interview: Our recent Veni grantees

Who has not heard of Veni-Vidi-Vici? In grant land, these are three types of subsidies awarded to outstanding junior, intermediate, and senior researchers, respectively. This year, the Netherlands Science Foundation NWO included Dr. Maarten Eisma (Clinical Psychology) and Dr. Bertus Jeronimus (Developmental Psychology) among its Veni grantees. In light of this exciting development in their research careers, Mindwise decided to ask Drs. Eisma and Jeronimus about their grant writing experiences.

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Perspectives on clinical psychology research

Clinical psychology training centers around the scientist-practitioner model, which posits that psychologists working in mental health care (MHC) should combine clinical practice (i.e., assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of people with psychological problems) with scientific research (e.g., participating in clinical trials of new psychological therapies, conducting literature reviews). Yet MHC institutes may also employ psychologists whose primary task is setting up and executing clinical research.

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