Mind over Mario: About video games, lost teeth, and new brain therapies

Brain areas seem to process and transfer information through brain rhythms. Information seem to be processed and transferred by rhythmic brain activity within and between brain areas. Currently, science tries to understand how these rhythms might be involved in producing actual behavior, and if targeting them with a new form of brain training would help muddle through psychological distress.

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Lessons learned on how to improve the integration of refugees in the Dutch labour market

After 2.5 years only 11% of the refugees who arrived in the Netherlands in 2014 have found a paid job. Together with The Hague Process, researchers and students from the RUG are investigating the challenges refugees face when finding a job and are developing a training to prepare Dutch employers to hire and integrate new refugees. Society and science can learn from each other.

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Perspectives on clinical psychology research

Clinical psychology training centers around the scientist-practitioner model, which posits that psychologists working in mental health care (MHC) should combine clinical practice (i.e., assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of people with psychological problems) with scientific research (e.g., participating in clinical trials of new psychological therapies, conducting literature reviews). Yet MHC institutes may also employ psychologists whose primary task is setting up and executing clinical research.

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Down the Rabbit Hole of Borderline Personality Disorder

Second-year Psychology students participating in the University Honours College follow a workshop on Blogging Science, in which they learn to communicate science to the general public, by means of informing, giving an opinion, and relating issues in science to issues in society. This year a selection of these written blog posts is published on Mindwise. Today’s post […]

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