Many women in rural Bangladesh have low power. How can social psychological insights help to strengthen the position of women? Madeline Langley, Farhana Tasnuva, and Nina Hansen set out to develop a social psychological training program for women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh, building on needs that women voiced themselves.
Next time you’re at a bar checking out your crush, remember: even if you think you’re being subtle, your pupils know better
Have you ever struggled to communicate with someone, even when you were trying your best? Maybe you recognize such moments in the example below. Lauren, Max, and Sandra (all 8 years old) are trying to work together. They need to figure out together how they can make an egg land safely on the ground, without […]
It is often assumed that social media use contributes to mental health issues and impaired cognitive functioning. This assumption has even led to a ban on social media use for children under 16 in Australia. Recently, in the Netherlands, politicians from D66 suggested implementing a similar measure.
The blogpost explores the allure and controversy around the topic of biohacking, focusing on the promotion of cold showers for health and success. Despite numerous claims from popular figures, scientific evidence remains inconclusive.
What are we doing when we write? Surely we are creating something – or… are we? Eric Rietzschel is not so sure anymore. Reflecting on recent developments in AI and our teaching, he argues that the process is at least as important as the product.
This blog about the PhD thesis “Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Dynamics in Personality Expression: A Complex Dynamical, Enactive, and Embodied Account” by Nicol Arellano-Véliz, explores how embodied dynamics express personality, linking early motor patterns to adult traits and offering new insights into human behavior and development.
In this post, Annika Astengo explores the concepts of selection, evocation, and manipulation to describe how we actively shape our social environments. These ideas range from choosing the situations we find ourselves in to the subtle ways our personality traits evoke responses from those around us. The post reflects on how individual differences influence others and the situations within the social environments we are immersed in.
For a little over three years now, I’ve been a member of the Ethics Committee Psychology (ECP). One of the things I have learned on this committee is that, as a researcher—and as a participant—I was largely unaware of the systems, laws, and protocols in place. Now, viewing research from both sides, I have a new perspective on all this.
How is a study evaluated, and what rights and laws come into play? And what else goes through the mind of an ECP member when they review a study?
With an increasing number of diagnoses, as well as increasing attention to the disorder in popular media, some voices have been calling ADHD a trend diagnosis. But how serious is ADHD actually? Is the increasing number of diagnoses really due to the disorder trending? And if that is the case, what would that mean? And what role does TikTok play in all of this?