Coordination in development: Caregiver-child synchrony

“Ah… da da da da da da … oh doe doe doe doe… eeh aah oeh” … Which adult hasn’t said something similar, while talking with a baby? When people interact with babies, they tend to imitate babies’ vocalizations, and mimic their behavior in general (see first video, below). Furthermore, also babies imitate people that […]

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Language acquisition and well-being of young refugee students in primary education

From February 2019 onwards, Hanneke Leeuwestein will start with her PhD project (funded by the National Initiative for Education Research/Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek/NRO). The goal of this project is to study if a new lesson package for learning Dutch as a second language, aimed at young refugee students, is effective. We will also investigate how children’s […]

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Duo interview: Our recent Veni grantees

Who has not heard of Veni-Vidi-Vici? In grant land, these are three types of subsidies awarded to outstanding junior, intermediate, and senior researchers, respectively. This year, the Netherlands Science Foundation NWO included Dr. Maarten Eisma (Clinical Psychology) and Dr. Bertus Jeronimus (Developmental Psychology) among its Veni grantees. In light of this exciting development in their research careers, Mindwise decided to ask Drs. Eisma and Jeronimus about their grant writing experiences.

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Do antidepressants work for mild to moderate anxiety?

Imagine that you are a primary care doctor. A young woman comes to see you because she worries constantly about everything, from her health to her studies to the state of the world. At night, she often lies awake for hours, worrying. Because she is having difficulty concentrating, she has failed some of her classes […]

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“Every child is different, right?”

Imagine yourself, sitting at a bench near the local playground. The sun is shining, and you peacefully observe how three boys together are playing with marbles. You also see a girl, who carefully sneaks towards the boys from behind the bushes. And then… “BOOO!!” echoes across the playground as the girl jumps from the bushes […]

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How do you like your noise?

While searching for a solution for her broken nights, Lisette de Jonge-Hoekstra takes us to pink noise – a phenomenon that characterizes smooth processes. In addition, she discovers that listening to actual noise of different colors is claimed to benefit certain states of mind. Lisette finds out what science has to say about these claims, and what she found may be a solution for you as well.

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What is there to learn about youth’s career paths and transitions?

Choosing a particular career path can be challenging, and comprises many components, situations, people and goals. Moreover, the choice process for a career path differs from individual to individual. In this blog post, Filomena Parada explains how the complex and heterogeneous process of career choice and related education- and work-transitions can be investigated by combining three diverse approaches to study human functioning.

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