The Art of Science: An interview with Mila Moxom

Valeria Cernei, member of the Mindwise team and soon-to-be-graduate from the Groningen Psychology programme, has been moonlighting as writer for the BCN Newsletter for the past few months. She recently interviewed Mila Moxom about the way in which her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the RUG influences her artistic vision, an art project that blends […]

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Summer reading 2018

You wouldn’t tell from the view out your window, but summer’s almost here again; just a couple more days until the official arrival. We’re half-way through the exam period and the year really is almost over. Everyone’s making plans for their holidays and dreaming of adventure, relaxation, a sandy beach, a busy new city, or […]

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Do antidepressants work for mild to moderate anxiety?

Imagine that you are a primary care doctor. A young woman comes to see you because she worries constantly about everything, from her health to her studies to the state of the world. At night, she often lies awake for hours, worrying. Because she is having difficulty concentrating, she has failed some of her classes […]

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CPE: A combination of psychology and medicine

“Which specialization should I take within the broad discipline called Psychology?” Numerous Psychology Bachelor students struggle with this issue and are doubtful about which Master’s degree they should pursue. Student Carl-Peter Van Erpecum discusses the option of joining a research master program at the UMCG, called Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology (CPE).

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