Interpersonal styles are the driving factor behind our social interactions, therefore studying them contributes greatly to our understanding of ourselves and others.
After years of uncertainty, negotiations for Brexit are now moving to the next level. But will the negotiators involved manage to reach a mutually beneficial outcome? Kyriaki Fousiani explains why this is difficult, but not impossible.
One hundred and thirty years after this famous quote by William James, psychologists are still struggling to measure attention reliably, particularly impairments of attention. Together with my neuropsychologist colleagues, I developed the Everyday Life Attention Scale (ELAS) to help in the assessment of attention. Here I share our discoveries about attention.
Stadjers Hand in Hand (SHH) is a community-building project aiming to tackle poverty in Groningen. Yasin Koc (a teacher) and Gido Metz (a student) got enthused by the project through a Master’s course, and became volunteers. “We used our knowledge of social psychology and helped develop the project to become larger and more sustainable.”
In 2016, the University of Groningen and Erasmus University Rotterdam joined on an experiment: a new PhD scholarship program. I, as well, started my PhD as a bursary student at the University of Groningen, occupying one of the positions made available by this program. However, three years into the experiment, the program fails to deliver […]