Duo interview with Jan Brouwer thesis prize winners (Chantal D’Amore & Rinske Vermeij)

The Jan Brouwer Scriptieprijs is awarded every year by the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities) to recognize the best master thesis in the country across eight categories. Last year, two students from the Heymans Institute captured both of the awards that relate to our interests: Chantal D’Amore […]

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COVID-19 and well-being at work: How to create control around your work, help yourself and others

The COVID-19 crisis has affected all our lives, including our work life and well-being. How can you help yourself, colleagues and friends during these times? How can you avoid making it even worse? In this post, Iustina Armasu gives some evidence-based tips about what to do, and what to avoid.

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Rethinking the Self

Self-expansiveness suggests that the lines between “me” and “other” are perceived as fluid for some people. A vague concept? Maybe, but with very real consequences. Lasse Lorenz describes what self-expansiveness can do for people, their compassion for others and the world around them.

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