Many women in rural Bangladesh have low power. How can social psychological insights help to strengthen the position of women? Madeline Langley, Farhana Tasnuva, and Nina Hansen set out to develop a social psychological training program for women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh, building on needs that women voiced themselves.
This blog was not supposed to be an analysis of contemporary research methodology. Nevertheless, it became one when I discovered how much information we lose in psychology because of one simple question.
We, two Research Master students, went to Bolivia to support the project of Drs. Nina Hansen and Judith Daniels. We interviewed 100 women about the effect of trauma on female empowerment. We carried home a rich data set and stories that cannot be easily expressed in figures.
On Thursday October 18th 2018, Marloes Huis defended her PhD dissertation in which she discusses how training women in the context of microfinance services can strengthen their empowerment. Both women’s needs and the context should be considered in such training.
Identity development is the complex, lifelong task of constructing a coherent, positive sense of self that feels authentic and genuine across contexts and settings. This post explores some of the challenges and processes relevant for the identity development journey.
The author discusses the results of her recent study on self-reported empathy in women with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and queries how representative currently diagnosed women with ASD are of the total population of women on the spectrum (including those ‘under the radar’ who have not received a diagnosis of ASD).
The author discusses the lack of female- specific research in autism and proposes a new way to look at the issue of under-diagnosing girls with this condition.