Groningen student Robin Mills wins national MSc Thesis Award for Cognitive Neurosciences
The jury of the Dutch MSc Thesis Award for Cognitive Neurosciences has unanimously decided to award the prize for the best thesis in 2012-2013 to Robin Mills of the University of Groningen, whose thesis is entitled “Extending Biologically-inspired Computer Vision: A Study on Applying Computer Graphics and Higher-order Statistics in HMAX”. Robin graduated summa cum laude in the BCN Research Master programme last year, and is now continuing his research as a PhD student in the Experimental Psychology group.
Apart from the prize money of € 1.000, Robin will be offered the opportunity to publish a paper on his work for the general public in ‘Psyche en Brein’. Furthermore, he receives assistance in preparing a submission on his work for Scientific American.
This year’s jury members for the MSc Thesis Award for Cognitive Neurosciences were: Prof. Albert Postma (University of Utrecht; chairman), Prof. Astrid Kappers (VU University Amsterdam), and Prof. Oliver Tucha (University of Groningen).
For further information, see http://www.ru.nl/master/cns/news/thesis-award/