Dr Jacob Jolij and PhD Student Annika Luckmann on TV show Factcheckers
Psychology researchers Annika Luckmann and Jacob Jolij (Experimental Psychology) were special guests in yesterday’s episode of the NTR television programme ‘Factcheckers’, in which comedians Joep van Deudekom and Rob Urgert tested how much Dutch writer Ronald Giphart knows about creativity. Jacob and Annika ran a short EEG experiment in the studio to find out who of the presenters is best at getting into a relaxed state of mind to boost their creativity.
The show aired on March 13th, on Channel NL-3. You can see it in its entirety here: http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl/afleveringen/1403917
Photo: Annika preparing the EEG experiment with Ronald Giphart as subject.