Education for gifted students is sorely lacking around the world. As a former gifted kid, I learned first-hand, the value that having an appropriate education can bring. This post takes a look at what it’s like to be gifted in a non-gifted classroom and outlines the importance of differentiated education for gifted students.
This blog post givey insight into the theory of Embodied Language. While many cognitive scientists see the brain as having causal priority when it comes the formation of cognition and behavior, it seems that our body influences a variety of cognitive task such as reasoning and language.
Last summer, students, refugees, academics, and practitioners from different nations and disciplines came together to explore the complexity of migration, the problems around it, and alternatives to current practices in policy and society at the RUG. The summer school ‘Migration Matters’ resulted in three concrete student initiatives to improve the lives of refugees.
Make America great again, or make America hate again? Trump’s campaign has raised many troubling questions. He has at various stages proposed building a wall and purging illegal immigrants, or retweeted the messages of Neo-Nazi fanatics. Yet still, his popularity is huge. And this popularity will continue after election day. Will today, the 8th […]
A few weeks ago, Marco Egle and Timothy Sondej, graduates of the Psychology Bachelor and Research Master students in Groningen, co-organised the I F***ing Love YOUNG Science Conference in Groningen. Their aim was to showcase exciting research projects by PhD students in Groningen and connect them with students who may be considering following a career […]
Psychologists tend to make statements about human nature or how “people in general” behave. However, 80% of psychological studies are conducted with W.E.I.R.D (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) samples. People falling in this category are just a fraction of the world’s population and are therefore not representable of the world’s population.
There appear to be clear differences between bilinguals and monolinguals. Within the last 30 years, an evolution took place from a very negative view towards being raised bilingual to a view that underlines the benefits of bilingualism. Findings nowadays are relating bilingualism to better attention, multitasking and a delay in the onset Alzheimer’s disease.
A personal story, explaining how a childhood’s experience can be linked to a horrible disease. This article will give you some insight in how dementia affects the family of patients and which therapies are currently used to enhance quality of life in patients with any form of dementia.
The feeling of anger and the craving for revenge are closely linked to each other. Anger and revenge can take on enormous scales contributing to global conflicts. Well-intentioned political involvement might counter possible detrimental effects.
Black boxes are mechanisms, systems, or tools that we use without knowledge or interest in how they work internally; instead we look only at the input and output, or stimulus and response. Psychology, in its drive to establish itself as a hard science, appears to accept the closing of its black boxes with too great a readiness. What I suggest here is simply that we would benefit from a more scrupulous assessment of the validity and pragmatism of the black boxes we create, endorse and use within our field.