Serious Gaming to Support Communicative Difficulties in Children

Have you ever struggled to communicate with someone, even when you were trying your best? Maybe you recognize such moments in the example below. Lauren, Max, and Sandra (all 8 years old) are trying to work together. They need to figure out together how they can make an egg land safely on the ground, without […]

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How Your Body Reveals Your Personality: Exploring Embodied Dynamics Across the Lifespan

This blog about the PhD thesis “Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Dynamics in Personality Expression: A Complex Dynamical, Enactive, and Embodied Account” by Nicol Arellano-Véliz, explores how embodied dynamics express personality, linking early motor patterns to adult traits and offering new insights into human behavior and development.

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Selection, Evocation, and Manipulation: How Do They Shape Our Social Interactions?

In this post, Annika Astengo explores the concepts of selection, evocation, and manipulation to describe how we actively shape our social environments. These ideas range from choosing the situations we find ourselves in to the subtle ways our personality traits evoke responses from those around us. The post reflects on how individual differences influence others and the situations within the social environments we are immersed in.

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How to navigate the knowledge explosion in mental health research

Solomiia gives an inside on “new” ways of organizing knowledge by building a database on the entire research domain, in her case, on the topic of daily life stress and mental health. She first presents a rationale as to why having a database of empirical articles would benefit the field of psychological science followed by a more detailed example of her work in which she explains how she plans to build a database on daily life stress and mental health research.

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In the world of baby scientists – How does motor communication develop in the first year of life?

In this post, Zuzanna Laudańska shares her experience investigating motor and vocal development in infants. She works at the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Poland), and she is a guest researcher at the Department of Developmental Psychology, University of Groningen.

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Autonomy and Developmental Trajectories of Transgender Adolescents

Gender identity is a crucial process in developmental trajectories. In the case of transgender adolescents, they may face regular discrimination and limitations. Taking the perspective of Personality Psychology gives way for new arguments in favor of granting adolescents more autonomy to decide about their own identity pathways.

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