This year, Mindwise seizes the Sinterklaas occasion to reflect, in the form of a Sinterklaas poem, on the happenings at the Psychology department in the year 2023. Given the recent introduction of open AI, ChatGPT was employed in the creation of this reflection.
Why and how do you measure sex or gender in your research participants? Are you still using a single binary question (male/female), or do you still add the option “other”? Are you aware of the differences between sex and gender? This blog post provides some hands-on best practices tips for including sex and/or gender in your research and for writing about them in an inclusive way.
In her buddy program, Dr. Lisette van der Meer couples psychology students to people with a serious mental illness. The aim? Stimulate a reconnection with society for service users while at the same time create a learning opportunity beyond the textbooks for students. Mindwise interviewed Dr. Lisette van der Meer and buddy Justin L. Abu Hoof about their experiences.
What’s happening at the faculty now that we are in lock-down? Actually, more than you think. This blog post gives you a sneak preview of the changes that happened to the faculty garden and the Heymans building.
Due to the Corona outbreak, we are all missing out on faculty life. Under these special circumstances, Mindwise shares some stories from students and faculty members. Today a personal blog about the spectacles in our faculty garden and how the Corona virus can bring us back to human nature.
One hundred and thirty years after this famous quote by William James, psychologists are still struggling to measure attention reliably, particularly impairments of attention. Together with my neuropsychologist colleagues, I developed the Everyday Life Attention Scale (ELAS) to help in the assessment of attention. Here I share our discoveries about attention.
You could not have missed the building activities at the Heymans building. And you may have been forced to walk a detour through the garden to reach the new restaurant or other buildings of the faculty. But did you know that this garden is actually an ancient botanical garden that hides centuries of history? Your detour through the garden might not be so boring after all!
Men are oftentimes called “a little bit autistic” by women. In this blog post I, as a woman, will argue why we should not call our men like that. I write this blog to raise awareness of autism during the world autism awareness week running from March 26 till April 2.
Do you remember that one classmate in elementary school who was often off-task, restless, and clowning around? What did the teacher do about it? In this blog post, I use recent reviews to discuss what science suggests to be effective for managing children with symptoms of ADHD in the classroom.
ADHD is a common disorder that suffers from many misconceptions. For example, do you also think that ADHD is caused by a lack of dopamine in the brain? In this blog post, I explain why this is not true.