Heymans Symposium 2016

Brian Ostafin (keynote)
“Letting Go By Going Big”

Ruud den Hartigh (Winner Snijders-Kouwer Prize)
“Psychological Momentum During and Across Sports Matches”

Don van Ravenzwaaij
“We Need The Null!”

Ineke Wessel
“The Capricious Veil of Childhood Amnesia”

Marko Milovanovic
“Solving the Surveillance Dilemma”

Ralf Cox
“How Complex We Really Are. Wii Show You”

Toon Kuppens
“The Consequences of Education”

Susanne Scheibe
“Getting Better With Age”

Berry van der Berg
“Brains, Attention, and Reward!”

Maarten Derksen
“When Everybody Talked About Brainwashing”