Dr. Namkje Koudenburg wins Best University of Groningen Thesis Prize 2014 & APA dissertation award!
During the summer ceremony which marks the official closing of the academic year Dr Namkje Koudenburg has received the first ‘University of Groningen-thesis award’ for her thesis entitled ‘Conversational Flow: The Emergence and Regulation of Solidarity through Social Interaction’. It was the first time a prize was awarded to the best Groningen thesis.
APA dissertation award
Dr. Namkje Koudenburg wins the APA division 49 dissertation award for the best dissertation about Group processes and Group therapy of 2014. In addition to a plaque and a 3-year membership of the APA, the prize consists of an award of $1000 and the opportunity to present the research at the annual APA convention in Toronto. For more information see