A mysterious illness, called “Resignation Syndrome,” is affecting children of refugee families in Sweden. Due to its psychological and political uniqueness, Resignation Syndrome has caused some proper attention during the last years.
What do professors do all day? Did you know that they are also expected to complete various administrative tasks? Mindwise decided to lift the veil on one task regularly being taking on by professors: being an editor for a scientific journal. Specifically, we asked Dr. Rafaele Huntjens about being an Associate Editor for the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry and Dr. Kai Epstude about being Editor-in-Chief for Social Psychology.
You wouldn’t tell from the view out your window, but summer’s almost here again; just a couple more days until the official arrival. We’re half-way through the exam period and the year really is almost over. Everyone’s making plans for their holidays and dreaming of adventure, relaxation, a sandy beach, a busy new city, or […]
Once a year, researchers from the Heymans Institute gather in the beautiful Nieuwe Kerk in Groningen for an afternoon of science at the Heymans Symposium. (The Heymans Insitute is the cool pseudonym of the Department of Psychology at the RUG.) For students, this is an opportunity to see what their teachers are up to when […]
Last year I wrote a blog post on Blue Monday, an international day which serves to raise awareness for depression. This year, Blue Monday was on January 15. The week before, on January 9, the Dutch Ministry of Public Health started a national campaign with the aim of making it easier to talk about depression, […]
Many women of reproductive age use a hormonal method of birth control, often referred to as “the pill”. While pill use is often ignored when analyzing psychological data, the effects of its hormones on the brain and mind may confound conclusions drawn from such data.
This year Rijksuniversiteit Groningen offers for the first time symposium on Complex Dynamic System Theory in the Behavioral Sciences aimed especially at students, featuring speakers from the field of Psychology, Philosophy, Human Movement Sciences and Linguistics. Attend a day of presentations, workshops, and a networking reception. We look forward to welcoming you in Groningen.
In this text, Valeria Cernei discusses the main effects of mindfulness meditation and the mechanisms through which they occur. She attempts to illustrate the potential of this practice to become a practical and cost-efficient “modern cure”.
We waste human potential if we not adapt our school systems to the best of our knowledge. In this post Sebastian Prehn will illustrate the lost potential, introduce examples of an endless pool of innovations and suggest a structure of how to implement them.
As part of the course Intergroup Relations, third-year psychology students write a popular science article about stereotypes and prejudices. Mindwise publishes a modified version of two of these articles. Today’s article is written by Lena Paulsen, Louise Teschemacher, and Felix Grundmann.