Methodologists had an interesting summer this past year, thanks in part to a bombshell paper by Benjamin and 71 others, shared as preprint on July 22nd, 2017. The authors argued to reduce the ‘default threshold’ α for statistical significance from 5% to 0.5% (i.e., from 0.05 to 0.005). To refresh your memory, null hypothesis significance […]
How does the experience of trauma impact women’s empowerment and economic participation over time? Social and clinical psychologists join efforts to follow the development of Bolivian girls over the next ten years.
Marieke van Vugt is assistant professor in the cognitive modeling group of the Department of Artificial Intelligence (Faculty of Science and Engineering) at the University of Groningen. One of the things she is interested in is studying the cognitive processes involved in mindfulness and meditation. Studying this topic is not an easy task since there is not […]
The common criticisms from professors about broad, superficially philosophical questions apply perfectly well to the title of this piece. What is a perfect memory? We may try to divide up the question and ask what both perfection, and memory are. We may ask whether memory refers to a memory of something or that reified agglomeration […]