Recently on Mindwise

Is ADHD a trend diagnosis? Between TikTok, Self-Diagnosis, and Misinformation

With an increasing number of diagnoses, as well as increasing attention to the disorder in popular media, some voices have been calling ADHD a trend diagnosis. But how serious is ADHD actually? Is the increasing number of diagnoses really due to the disorder trending? And if that is the case, what would that mean? And what role does TikTok play in all of this?

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Office Dogs, Lab Rats, and Pigeons on the Roof: Multispecies Relations in the Workplace

When we think of work, most of us do not immediately think of animals. Yet animals have been tied up with work in various roles for ages. In this article, Antje Schmitt analyzes five roles that animals play in work contexts, and what this could (or should) mean for future human-animal interactions.

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The Mask of Sanity

Psychopathic leaders have emotions, too! But how do they express them - and what does this do with their subordinates? This blog post is a short reflection on a paper about the use and effects of emotion regulation strategies in relation to leader psychopathy written by Barbara Wisse, Ed Sleebos, and Anita Keller.

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Harmonizing stress: The power of Music

Facing stress from daily adversities? The research presented in this blog post supports the idea that listening to music can significantly reduce physiological and psychological stress responses, making it a powerful tool for harmonizing your stress response.

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When Ethology Meets the Social Sciences: A Primatological Perspective on Human Behavior during Conflicts

Virginial Pallante, a visiting researcher from the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, explains how ethology intersects with the social sciences. Through a primatological lens, Virginia examines human behavior during conflicts, exploring the role of emotions and bystander responses. Her interdisciplinary approach not only enriches the understanding of human behavior but also emphasizes the necessity of collaborative work in addressing complex societal questions.

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Empowering Children with Autism at School – the role of vocabulary skills

Dr. Purnama Sari explains how the method of "propensity score matching" (PSM) aids the understanding of neurodiversity in the classroom. Her study unravelled that vocabulary skills contribute to academic skills in autistic children, and not their gestational age, sex, birth weight, age, ethnicity, parental income, parental education, mother’s IQ, mother’s autistic traits, or mother’s depression score. This blog post may empower children with autism and their parents.

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Student Articles

Is ADHD a trend diagnosis? Between TikTok, Self-Diagnosis, and Misinformation

With an increasing number of diagnoses, as well as increasing attention to the disorder in popular media, some voices have been calling ADHD a trend diagnosis. But how serious is ADHD actually? Is the increasing number of diagnoses really due to the disorder trending? And if that is the case, what would that mean? And what role does TikTok play in all of this?

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Why social science is difficult – and in favour of a slow(er) psychology...

The article explores why the social sciences struggle more with crises than the natural sciences – and actually manages to round off with a positive outlook for the future!

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The Flow of Life: It Matters What You Do Before Arriving

Setting goals efficiently drives long-term goal pursuit, but it also facilitates the experience of flow states - such an intense focus on the present activity that goals, as future-oriented objects, lose importance and experience becomes deeply meaningful. Metaphorically, what makes a journey meaningful is not its destination, but the process itself.

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Brain fog at work: A message to all the breakfast-skippers

In this post, Isabel explains why skipping breakfast could negatively affect performance, health, and well-being. Restricted food intake seems to worsen cognitive functions and decrease job performance. Further, it can affect mood and several aspects of overall well-being. Skipping breakfast regularly seems to be even worse and can result in nutrient deficiencies or elevated risk of diabetes type 2. Nevertheless, the evidence is not conclusive and according to the literature, intermittent fasting can be beneficial for some individuals.

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